Thread: Licensed Scryed (S-cry-ed)
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Old 2007-04-24, 05:19   Link #52
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Those who dislikes Scryed are those who don't really understand the show. The show is about two men of men fighting to be the strongest. true men always aspire to be the strongest, to fight to the top, and there can be only one. That's why boxing and pro-wrestling are so popular, there doesn't need to be some good vs. evil grand battle of morals, just the dream to become the strongest, to reach the top, that's enough to be a true man's dream. And the two leads showed the ideals of order and chaos, laws and freedom, one is a wild beast, fights for total freedom, total anarchy, the other fights to maintain order and rules, but in the end they are true men, they fight to see who is the strongest of all. They are among the most likeable leads in all anime. Scryed is the show that make people recall their lost ideals, their lost dreams, their lost aspirations to become the strongest of the strong, to become the man of men, to recall the adrenaline in their souls suppressed by the drab day to day business and work. The last two episodes are what truly make Scryed shine, to truly distinct it from other beat-the-bad-guy anime. It's completely different from Kenshin, that's for sure. Both are great in their own different areas and different goals.
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