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Old 2004-04-17, 09:43   Link #17
Join Date: Mar 2004
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Spiggy
I could see everything that was going on from my body (considering I was shot in the head, that's highly unlikely). So here I am on the ground just dead. Then like in those westerns (or any other movie) it started panning out. I could see everyone crowding around and the one person left who shot me
Actually, I've had dreams where I was dead and I could see everything happening through a third point of view. In my mind I saw myself running or just laying dead, and other people and stuff, instead of seing everything through my own eyes. Most of my dreams are really psycho and weird, I can't even pick one out....
But someone told me that if you tend to have fantastical/crazy dreams, it means you're more sane than the people who usually have normal dreams (in a psychological sense). I;ve no clue where the logic in that lies but...let's face it, it's probably true.

Originally Posted by JAppi
My dreams are filled with creepy things that involve Gwavie. Sorry I'm unable to elaborate upon that and keep the forum PG-13
lol! I'm not surprised :P
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