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Old 2011-04-19, 17:56   Link #677
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
The developers really want to make LoL an active game, but the "higher ELO" plays passive like there's no tomorrow:
1) Only last hit creeps
2) always pull the fight to your tower
3) if you can't harass, wait for enemy to use skills and rape them while they're on cooldown.
4) Ward the shit out of the map and only take buffs as counters.
5) Walrus' GP guide wants me denying soldier creeps right off the bat and the cannon minions, so as to hit LV6 before them and get the edge later on, despite GP having a rather weak early game.
6) The game is set during the teamfight, because 99.9999% of the people who play LoL don't want to initiate. The remaining 0.0001% is me, and I only initiate with Galio, Garen and Zilean :P

Now, to backdooring. It is usually frowned upon, considered to be a cheapshot and exploiting of the game mechanics, used to be a viable reason to get banned in DotA (for some) iirc. When the teamfight ends in your win and you take two turrets down in a minute, the game usually freezes at the third one. THAT is when someone has to break from the team and either push another lane like a gentleman, or if you got Rammus just turn DBC and tremors on and demolish anything taller than you. Either way, it's a good way to get the game going again. It just sucks when you're winning and random dude A ports in your base and beats the crap out of your nexus with 400 AD and 2.5 AS, because it's a bloody cheapshot.
Lol , TF = Teamfight for short.
Thanx for that~
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