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Old 2007-10-16, 11:24   Link #36
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by azurie View Post
One thing i have noticed with Clare though is she seems to be a collector not just of body parts but yoki based skills as well. Look at the flash sword as one example. Sure it's hard to learn but one would have thought just from what Irene said it would be nearly impossible for Clare with her mentality to learn it. And when she was in the witches maw arc she very quickly picked up in part Galatea's skill to a point to turn back Jean. So it seems she can to a limited degree absorb skills she sees or feels.
I don't know. She starts off with Yoki reading as her strong point, but that's hardly a "technique", merely a specialisation and good use of her senses. You could hardly say that the two Claymores sent with Irena for Teresa's head had Strength and Agility techniques, just that they were specialized in it.

The same way, all Claymores will probably specialize one way or another, but techniques are not limited. Helen picked up Jean's strong blow for example, and Tabitha probably became a Galatea bis.

The way the mangaka weaves his story, Miria is midfielder/captain, with speed and tactics but low power, when Clare and Helen are forwards hard hitters. Deneve is defense, Tabitha manager, Cynthia the second defenser and Yuma the ball.
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