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Old 2012-10-15, 10:38   Link #100
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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I like how the two witches are basically Musashi's fighter craft. It's slowly starting to dawn on me more and more how this show really doesn't function all that differently from your usual mecha type's just a more fanservice friendly tongue in cheek way of delivering that dosage.

I like how winning battles in this universe doesn't necessarily mean "winning" the battles so much as fulfilling the historical criteria to earn the right to declare the victory to the Testament Union. It's just another way in which this show is familiar yet vastly different from it's sci-fi action brethren. It's not wonder Horizon gives such a rough first impression and really the only way for it to work is for one to stick with it and again meet it halfway. Not easy, but worth it at least in my experience.

Anyway so Horizon regains another emotion (I look forward to Gordon Gekko Horizon next season), Mary officially joins Musashi and apparently Muneshige and Gin too, which vastly bolsters their already formidable firepower. It feels like the series has officially just begun and we've just made our way through something of an epic prologue and that the Pope's acknowledgement of Musashi being a major power player is the signal for things to truly get under way following what must have been the most non-conclusive of all possible seasonal endings. Off to IZUMO and whatever that entails and whenever that will be.
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