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Old 2006-09-15, 22:54   Link #13
Completely Unproductive
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Small grey Box no Lights
Originally Posted by philip72
I kind of find this subject matter hot in anime, however in real life I find the concept totally sick.

I have two imouto and one oneesan, and although my friends have told me they are hot, and in theory I can acknowledge they are attractive, I feel no physical attraction to them whatsoever.
Reverse sexual imprinting, the so called Westermarck effect (see ) is a powerful force indeed, rendering any potential sexual desire for an physically attractive family member, null and void.

I think the reason that this genre is increasing in popularity (aside from the taboo aspect) is due to the increase in one child families or males being raised in a family without a sister. The concept of living in close proximity to an attractive female, with whom you share a close bond of common history, can be a desirable fantasy of sorts. However only to those who have never been actually exposed to the true nature of a real live sister.

I also have a sister and I know what you mean.... I just think its hillarious watching it in anime mostly because of the "dude she's you sister" idea that makes the love scenes funny rather than touching lol.

Whats wrong with piracy?
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