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Old 2006-05-29, 16:40   Link #70
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama
I don't think its as much a new reality as it is a new beginning for the characters and their relationship with each other, a prelude to a second season maybe. You'll notice that Kyon and Itsuki were getting along fairly well too, which isn't usually the case due to Kyon's dislike of him. And yes she did make the effort in creating this new beginning by reaching out to the characters and showing her true feelings for the first time so far in the series. I don't see why people are confusing new reality with new beginning for the SOS Dan, its such a familiar tool in finishing a story on a good note that it should be immediately recognizable. Unless of course some people opted not to take courses in literature and creative writing.
sheesh! you do realize that most people are simply accustomed to the western style of scriptwriting in which season finales simply must end with cliffhangers and unanswered questions...that's just the normal way of doing things simply because it gives people a lot of reason to come back to the show when the next season starts..but meh yeah asian storywriting is a lot different
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