Thread: Licensed Tsuritama
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Old 2012-04-12, 19:25   Link #38
Guardian Enzo
Seishu's Ace
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Kobe, Japan
Originally Posted by Kirarakim View Post
I haven't watched the first episode yet but I just realized something...Miyu Irino seems to be in all 3 of the male slice of life series that have started up in 2011-2012. I find that interesting.
He's definitely the go-to for genki blonde boys.

Damn it Japan, why are you trying to kill me? Too many good shows this season - and this another triumph for NoitaminA. What a perfect foil for Sakamichi - equally compelling but totally different.

I think what's really fascinating here is that while this is still distinctly Nakamura - surrealistic, intellectual, visually creative - it's his most human work by far, for me. I think what he's done here is taken every teenaged boy neuroses and idiosyncrasy and built a farcical anime around it. Being stared at, voice breaking, the rising wall of water... How interesting that in both NoitaminA shows we have MCs who are subject to panic attacks, and each director finds a clever but totally different way to bring it to life on screen.

A great cast obviously, but Ohsaka Ryota is the surprise for me. He's little-known but this is a very endearing performance. I loved everything about that first day in Enoshima - the scene on the train (I've had that dilemma before), the cracking of the voice, running around the new house excitedly checking out every room, Googling everything he sees on his smartphone.... Wonderful stuff.

NoitaminA, back at the epicenter of quality anime where it belongs. What a great decision to turn the block over to auteurs - their love of the craft and talent really shines through. From the worst NoitaminA ever, to one of the best.
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