Thread: Licensed Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
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Old 2007-08-06, 12:16   Link #443
Join Date: Jul 2007
Originally Posted by grey_moon View Post
Don't mean to vilify it, but US is the country that goes nuts over some hidden sex scenes in a game where shooting police is a normal thing to do and the fallout for Janet Jackson's boob was amazing. It just seems like a real hot potato, and also the series deals with some very touchy social circumstances, so I'm not too sure how the it will fair in such a PC climet. But then again South Park does its best to piss of as many people as possible and that still does very well over there
a better example of the problem SZS faces is a recent car commercial about an assembly-line robot that dropped a bolt while at work, got laid off, ended up homeless, and then eventually commited suicide by jumping off a bridge. but it was all a nightmare by a sleeping assembly-line robot THAT commercial triggered a lot of outrage by families of suicide victims who are obviously very sympathetic.

that said, print film and video fall under protected speech and are pretty much bullet-proof to puritans and victims. it's all about money -- if some distro house thinks there is enough interest in a particular title to justify the investment, they will license it. and if they have to choose between two titles, they will choose the one expected to return more money. (sound familiar? "This money-grubbing world has left me in despair!")
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