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Old 2013-05-05, 22:15   Link #941
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Age: 45
And in other news:
Giffords receives Profile in Courage award

BOSTON (AP) — Former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords received the 2013 Profile in Courage award at the John F. Kennedy Library on Sunday in recognition of the political, personal, and physical courage she has demonstrated in her fearless public advocacy for policy reforms aimed at reducing gun violence.

Yup. These two - a fine example of courage and leadership. They have a couple things going for them:

1. Credibility. They themselves are gun owners.

2. Victimization. Gabby Giffords was a victim in a mass shooting.

3. Resources. These two have the resources to advocate against the current status quo, pertaining to "Gun Rights".

Then combine these three -- you have a High Profile, that allows them to lead by example.

Ultimately, there is a movement going on in favor of Gun Safety. The NRA arguments of "Gun Rights", "Protection", and all other arguments dropped into this thread and the "Gun Control" thread in favor of maintaining the status quo is in the process of weakening. Basically, the number of Americans (owners and non-owners) are getting sick and damned tired of "Gun Violence".

It'll be only a matter of time till more and more people can see right through the empty NRA rhetoric. The NRA leads -- by means of instilling FEAR. Once more Americans wake up - they will be able to see right through all of that.
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