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Old 2009-06-25, 08:43   Link #255
Join Date: Mar 2009
Originally Posted by sk3 View Post
Hello there again,

I've been quite away from the forums (i didn't receive the notification emails either )

I've been using Mplayer and hadn't have much issues excepting some streaming problems with the new versions. By streaming i mean, streaming via wireless from my desktop PC but i think the problem is in the wireless side and not Mplayer OS X Extended, since i use a 8MB cache for a long time now and fixed some problems i had long time ago... in a far away OS X update

As usual, you're doing an awesome job anime_layer.

I thought about something the other day... I always use an "hack" from the FLV Quicklook plugin to generate mkv preview icons on MKV files on Finder. Isn't there anything that can be made on mplayer OS X or some kind of Quick Look plugin for mplayer? I think that's the only thing that i can say that is missing from Mplayer OS X Extended to be the best player on the mac.
Hi, for your wireless streaming, have you tried entering a larger cache value?

I use 16MB even for local files, NTFS-3G isn't the fastest filesystem driver out there
However for streaming, the new Rev11 which is nearly out, allows up to 256MB and up of cache which should eliminate your wireless streaming issues.

I'd say 32MB should be sufficient.
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