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Old 2012-05-02, 10:24   Link #2007
Yuri µ'serator
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: FL, USA
Age: 36
I prefer CV generally for any support, I mean do ranked players not worry about early game jungle invasions anymore?, and watching those matches I noticed a few times supports had got caught warding objectives... where they could have cv'd and not walked into a trap... and while exhaust is useful it requires you to a lot closer than you might like to for some supports, and generally someone besides the support had exhaust in theses matches too.

Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
For some reason, I saw 3 AD Kennens was in a ranked team, wtf? Is there a viable AD build for him, coz they all fed hard.
Because of the stun and passive on his w, AD is viable against some lanes that would normally beat AP Kennen, though idk the exact item build.

Also on quirks of ranked I can't for the life me understand how/why they build Skarner, they all rush philo and HoG like some kinda of support, and some get Shurelya's Reverie before upgrading boots... or getting a sheen (and most of these skarners did BAD), I can't understand it at all, no damage, or resistances early game leaves skarner very lacking. I get Philo sometimes on him, but generally not first item, and I find HoG to be a poor choice since Frozen Heart is infinitely better than Randuin's Omen for Skarner since he has a natural slow and makes really good use of mana and CDR .
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