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Old 2004-11-11, 09:54   Link #40
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Looking for his book...
1. Age/Gender
A: 24 - Male

2. Have you ever considered about attempting a suicide?
a) Yes b) No c) I have thought about it, but it wasn't very serious
A: little of A and C.

In a bio-ethics class where we were discussing cause and justification of suicide. Throughout the course of the discussion we were made to imagine situations that would lead us towards considering and even going so far as attempting suicide (much like lolicon did is a previous post). It was a very educational and insightful discussion on the topic, however, afterwards majority of the students still stated that they'd never be able to follow through with the suicide given the scenerio they imagined.

2b. Only answer to this question if you answered yes, a) in the previous question.
Did your suicide thoughts include serious depression?
a) Yes b) No
A: No. I don't believe ssomething such as depression is justification for suicide.

2c. Only answer to this question if you answered yes a) in question 2.
Did you think about attempting a suicide in the last 6 months?
a) Yes b) No
A: Yes, it was part of the course. -.-

3. Do you think suicide is acceptable?
a) Yes, everyone decides of their own life. b) No. Never. c) If there are good reasons behind it, etc. religious or ethic reasons. Note: Euthanasia isn't included in these reasons, or in this whole survey.
A: If there are good reasons behind it, etc. Religiousor ethic reasons.

4. Has someone you knew well, ever done a suicide?
A: Several that have attempted it and one that succeeded.
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