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Old 2012-11-17, 10:35   Link #105
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
Originally Posted by monir View Post

If someone doesn't like a series for whatever reason, it's not the end of the world for the rest who like it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Let's move on!
Yea, especially those who don't like the genre in question in the first place.

Sorry, but this is a matter of manners that annoys me to no end. I have no problem if someone writes something along the lines of "I think I'm not going to like this, because...", even if the "because" explanation is factually wrong. That's fine in my book. THAT is an opinion.

What is NOT fine is "I already know this is going to be sh*t, because..." - then you better make sure that the "because" explanation is at least defensible. But if this is even matched with the open admission that you are absolutely clueless about the material, this isn't a mere "opinion" anymore, it becomes a derogatory insult for those people who actually like it. And in this case, I reserve the right to call clueless idiots "clueless idiots" by mirroring their lack of manners right back at them. Experience shows that clueless idiots don't like being called that, and if they leave the thread annoyed, it improves the atmosphere for those fans who remain and want to discuss the series WITHOUT the disturbance of people who insist on p*ssing into their swimming pool.

So sorry - I'm not trying to start a flamewar here. But is it too much to ask to inform yourself properly BEFORE you dump on an anime? Please...
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