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Old 2013-02-02, 04:26   Link #65
Join Date: Aug 2009
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
I think that you're probably giving Makishima a bit too much credit here. Makishima is willing to victimize countless people in order to achieve his goals. You can't really separate that from "The Ends Justify the Means", imo. So saying he has "the purest of intentions" strikes me as a bit of an overly idealized way to assess him.
Let me clarify what I meant when I said that:

Makishima is essentially a person who has disconnected himself from the material reality. He is single-mindedly dedicated to that one ideal that he strives to achieve with all his power. He cares about absolutely nothing else but that goal, not Sybil, not society, and most certainly not human life. So yes. As abhorrent and potentially destabilizing it all is, in my eyes, there is no purer intention than the single-minded pursuit of knowing and the beauty that comes with it. After all, even the great tower of information that humanity has built-up over the years was originally a product of the simple desire to know and understand the world with little regard for humanity's interests.

Just to be absolutely clear here, the purity I'm talking about here is probably not the same kind of purity you have in mind. As dangerous as it is, I believe that there's a certain beauty, or even innocence, in being able to pursue an idea without considering anything else.
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