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Old 2009-01-06, 19:55   Link #67
Join Date: Nov 2008
The assumption that if the Palestinians renounced violence Israel would give up its goal of "redeeming" the land God gave them thousands of years ago is silly. Anybody who believes propaganda that blatant has been drinking too much Kool-Aid.

You only have to look at what's happened on the West Bank in the last few years. After Arafat died and Abbas took over, Fatah has been enforcing a ceasefire on the West Bank. The Israeli response has been to expand the settlements and increase the number of roadblocks from 470 to 630.

There are now over 280,000 Israelis living in settlements in the West Bank, and another 200,000 in and around East Jerusalem. Large numbers of those would have to be moved if there was a peace deal with Palestinians. Israeli governments know they could never achieve that. In 1994 when Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Muslims in a mosque in Hebron, Yitzhak Rabin looked at removing the Hebron settlers. The army warned him there would be civil war if he tried, and instead Rabin moved thousands of Palestinians from Hebron to safeguard the settlement.

Things have got worse since then. Israel can never stick to a peace treaty with the Palestinians and the Israeli governments know it, which is why their strategy is always to delay peace talks
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