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Old 2010-10-14, 07:58   Link #3923
Thread Hijacker
Join Date: May 2009
Location: In a hole, I just need to dig myself out
It was too late last night for me to write anything large, but now I can, thanks for waiting

Ahh, the moment of truth arrived; I have to be honest, all throughout the chapter, I thought she was going to kill Raki. I just had that vibe throughout the whole thing; perhaps because we've known about her fears that no relationship could ever work out if he inevitably found out what she was, but It didn't happen, which I didn't complain about at all.

Raki fainting, I have to admit, was kind of stretched; you seem to imply if he fell into a coma after his shock because he contracted an illness; It still feels kind of pushing it. I mean, she even bathes him and he still doesn't wake up? How can a shock and/or an illness put someone in a state like that? Now, you don't really explain what exactly he contracted, but regardless, I feel like I had to use my imagination during that.

This whole chapter was full of memorable moments; my favorite, no doubt, was Luciella walking outside in the middle of the rain because she didn't want Raki to see her cry; I don't think any moment in your entire story before this one truly sums up the effect Raki has had on her.

Luciella "killing" Raki's illness was an interesting idea, a shame that's not how it works in real-life . Whereas before, I saw some similiarities for Teresa and Claire, they largely continue. New references though, like Raki learning how to fight with Luciella instead of Isley were new and I enjoyed them just as well. You imply Alicia's awakening and Raki finally hears the truth about everything. In summation, you tie alot of loose-ends in this chapter, which I feel you purposely did because the story is turning in a completely new direction.

I feel like the entire story has been leading up to this one, I have absolutely idea where the story will go, which makes me all the more excited
"You know, their are as many ways to live as their are people in this world...and each one deserves a closer look."
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