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Old 2012-08-11, 18:09   Link #38
Psycho Falling Deep
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: The Anime World
Age: 29
Famous words from Kirito:

"I'm willing to bet my virginity".

Such a brave man to speak about such a thing to Asuna

Anyways, back on track with the episode. I kinda felt let down by the first half of this episode. Last episode was so tense and realistic with the trauma, the sadness, the motives and revenge and it was quite the interesting and enjoyable episode to watch. Then it's revealed that it was all a lie, no one actually died that episode and it was all figured out by Kirito dropping some food that was about to expire? I had hoped for something a little better

None the less, it managed to pick itself back up once a real PK guild made their entrance. The Laughing Coffins, quite the name, probably easy to remember too

I am really surprised however that Kirito let them live or escape. They showed no signs of changing their ways after being threatened and it was obvious they would continue. He's going to have the blood of other innocent players on his hand for doing that.

Alas, I liked the conversation Asuna had with Kirito about marriage and the storing space being shared. It was as if she was hinting something there, eh? Eh Asuna? Go ooonn!

Speaking of marriage, Grimlock and Griselda were married in real life eh? That was quite the reveal

Also, this episodes end card:

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