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Old 2012-05-23, 03:40   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 668 [manga]

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And now for this week's dose of OP! Credit goes to T and AP's CCC for the spoilers:

-Chapter title is "Pirate Alliance". The ministory has reached its final volume, which features the tombs of the fallen Ace and Whitebeard.

-Luffy asks which of the Yonkou Law plans to take down. Law answers, but us readers don't "hear" his response. Surprisingly, Luffy accepts the offer!

-Luffy's group and Law then return to Usopp and Robin, and fill them in on the situation. Robin is wary of the deal, as Law could betray them, but the warlord assures them he won't. Luffy says even if he does become a traitor, it shouldn't be a big problem due to everyone's training. That being said, Law returns Franky and Chopper to their original bodies, though Nami is forced to stay in Sanji's body for now due to her original one being in enemy hands.

-Chopper and Nami want to help the children, and Law says that the government has been researching methods to turn kids into giants, though CC seems to have already accomplished that much under their (and Vegapunk's) nose. The crew and Law then reach an agreement for their current situation: Luffy's group will locate the samurai while Law and Chopper will conduct their own research on the giant kids and their drugs. The warlord then brings up Caesar, and says that those who haven't mastered haki shouldn't fight him. Luffy confirms that he, Zoro, Sanji, and Law are all capable of using it, and Law says that the four of them should work towards capturing CC. With the scientist's capture, the shichibukai's plan can finally go into motion, and he warns that there will be no going back once this operation goes underway.....

-At CC's lab, the master's servants are busy fighting the marines. However, the master himself unleashes his newest pet into the fray: A giant slimelike creature that proceeds to destroy them all.....

Man, another info-packed chapter! I'm actually rather surprised that Luffy's going along with Law's plan so soon (at least without consulting his crew first). Personally, I'm still thinking that either Blackbeard or Kaidou is Law's target, though Big Mom's certainly a possibility as well. And hey, we finally get confirmation of the monster trio all being haki users! Though this makes me wonder if Nami would be able to use it now that she's in Sanji's body.....

BTW, something amusing to note is that Chopper was resting on top of Law's hat since his body was exhausted from Franky's rampage from last chapter. I suppose it'll be interesting to see further interaction between both doctors. And I'm definitely interested in this new guardian that CC brought out. Since it's apparently a slime, I wonder if it's a logia DF user? Could make for an interesting match for one of the monster trio, after all. And now that the ministory has ended (and a fitting last volume it is too), I hope the next one will finally feature a post-skip Foxy......
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