Thread: Licensed Heroic Age
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Old 2007-04-04, 14:01   Link #73
Bearly Legal
Join Date: Jun 2004
A teleportation system on a mech is good, but wait, if you have that kind of tech, why not incorporate it into the shuttle, a great way to escape or put it into a weapons system. Simply teleport a H-bomb inside the ant hive and it's game over. I guess Ant-defense / weapon range plot-restriction prohibit that? Or the person using it has to have some sort of gift, typical but ok.
Argueing about science of an anime have too many loopholes in it since the technical information given are limited.

Other than the usual "it's an anime", i would guess the teleportation system have limits.

Notice all the mechs and escort ship flew down instead of teleport? (range restriction? or maybe exact coordinates are required?)

During the attack, Iolaus request the princess to board an escape capsule so he can escort her back (so there's a limit of mass/size that teleportation device have)

As for teleporting bombs inside the enemy. well... what would happen if you teleport into something solid? Not to mention, you are trying to teleport into a moving ship instead of a static location.

Just too many impractical stuff in anime that it's best to not think too deep into the technical side of things and just enjoy the actions. If you like those that are more geared towards realism though, i recommend Seikai no Senki series if you havent watch it. One of the best sci-fi anime that's highly detailed in the technical department.
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