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Old 2011-01-07, 23:15   Link #69
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Atlanta, GA
I love Full MEtal Alchemist: Brotherhood and I especially love Edward. Edward is small but has a big heart, soul, pride, dreams, and ambition. He reminds me a lot of myself, because he's willing to take on any challenge, no matter how big or small. I love the way in the series how he gave his arm or was it his leg, to seal Al's soul to the armor. I also like in the end of the series (sorry for revealing) how he gave up Alchemy and his leg forever to get his brother back. Ed is the example of how a true big brother should be. If you are a big brother and you have younger siblings, you should def watch this series and learn what it means to really say you love your younger sibling.
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