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Old 2007-06-24, 04:54   Link #4
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 42
I had first heard of Bleach back in late 04 and a good friend of mine had gotten into it. From what little I had found out it didnt really appeal to me and I wasnt really up to getting into what I thought was going to be yet another super long DBZ style fighting/constant power up series. I had so many other things I had wanted to see instead and was more in the mood for shorter more contained shows overall.

After a while in summer 06 my buddy sorta tried to finally convince me othewise about the series and showed me the Kenpachi and Ichigo fight and the Gin and Toshiro fight. I was pleasently suprised at how cool the fights and the characters seemed so that spirred my interest enough to the point where I decided that I WOULD watch it one day but again at the time I still just wasnt up to getting into a long series and I had also found out from him that it was currently in the middle of a long filler arc and so I had still decided to avoid it and keep watching other things.

Then when I heard that YTV here in Canada was picking it up I decided to give it a chance and ended up watching a bunch of the early eps that way. However while the characters, comedy and action and dubbing were all good, since im not much of a TV person and they were following a sort of Hollow of the Week type progression I ended up not following it regularily and so missed a handfull of the early eps.

Then one day a bunch of months back at work at a time when I was on an evening based shift and wasnt getting many calls, I was bored and decided to try catching some anime on Youtube. I decided to check out Bleach from the last ep I had seen on YTV which was very early soul society just after the fight with Jidanbo. From there it just sort of grew on me since that was when things had started to get alot more interesting and over the next few weeks during random down times at work I watched on Youtube all the way up to ep 64. From there I had known that they were getting into the huge Bount filler arc. I watched about 9 episodes into it before deciding to just skip it up to ep 109 which was when they decided to get back to the *real* story and Ive followed it regularily since then.

Overall Bleach is a very good series and is much better than what I had expected it to be, the only thing I really regret is now being limited to only 1 episode a week .

Last edited by Icehawk; 2007-06-24 at 05:15.
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