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Old 2011-11-12, 23:14   Link #1095
Gundam Boobs and Boom FTW
Join Date: Dec 2005
Well, aside from Paul/Huntsman, the rest of the republicans are war hawks who want to send kids who aren't theirs to fight wars funded by money we don't have.

Honestly, why the heck are we thinking about deploying boots on the ground? We're talking about Iran getting a nuke? We have several thousand of them, and the B-2s with which to deliver them, and if the parties could get their crap together, then F-22s with which to escort them. If push came to shove and we really needed to remind the world as to why the heck people shouldn't fuck with nukes, well, stealth bomber with global sort it out.

Honestly...have we forgotten about the fact that we have an air force full of stealth jets, one model of which is fully nuclear-capable, meaning we have enough firepower to scour any offending nation off the face of the planet?

So much ado about nothing.

If a crazy dictator wants to move hell or high water to get nukes, then someone's going to have to remind the world why these things didn't get used after WW2. And the nation of a crazy bunch of theocratic loonies seems like such a wonderful demonstration ground, doncha think?

In the meantime, I say sell Israel a few B-2s and a squadron of F-22s and F-35s. Once Israel gets the capabilities to conduct a covert nuclear strike and make it look like an accident at a bad guy's weapons facility, I think dictators in the region are going to think twice before opening up their traps with heated rhetoric backed by a fledgling nuclear program.
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