Thread: Licensed Inu X Boku SS
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Old 2012-02-04, 18:13   Link #211
Join Date: Jan 2009
Age: 32
Originally Posted by wandering-dreamer View Post
Does anyone know how many tenants there are total? I know there's still at least one who hasn't been introduced yet which makes four, although it seems like the building has room for quite a few more people.
We're only ever introduced to four, as far as I can recall. Four tenants and their SSes, plus building staff.

For the people who were mentioning Nobara's magazine earlier, it looked like a gravure magazine to me. The title of the rag was "The Fetish," at any rate.

Watanuki got lots of crazy delinquent slang popping up behind him this episode. The phrase 天上天下 that appeared on his shirt also appeared in the scene where he was surrounded by floating words. Nearby was the phrase 唯我独尊. Put together, the sentence 天上天下唯我独尊 means "Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am worthy of respect." The words are attributed to the Gautama Buddha, and look really badass when stitched on the back of your leather jacket.

Other phrases included 喧嘩上等 (always ready for a fight; this was emblazoned on the back of his coat as well) and 風林火山 (the battle standard of Takeda Shingen). There's also the stereotypical "yankee" versions of common phrases, which are written phonetically in unnecessarily complicated kanji. I assume these are for the "looks cool on my shirt" effect. There's 夜露死苦 (pronounced like "nice to meet you," but written like "excruciating midnight death by exposure"; this was on his shirt in the eyecatch), 愛死天流 (pronounced like "I love you" but written "love, death, heaven, flow"), and 愛羅武勇 (also "I love you" but with English phonetics; written "love, silk, brave warrior").

The more you know.
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