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Old 2008-10-17, 06:21   Link #342
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Originally Posted by Sciel View Post
Started playing 00 Meisters today .

I've finished Setsuna and Alle's routes . There are 10 missions for each characters . Takes roughly an hour or so for each route.From what i've seen , the game is relatively light on story and some events are changed (Kyrios limbs are blasted off by Soma now instead of Alvatore) .

Gameplay is fairly simplistic
Square is Atk . You'll shoot when you are far and slash when near .
Triangle is Guard . You'll project some GN field (wtf is exia's shield for , he doesn't even block with it.
X is boost
R1 is lockon
R2 is to break your lock on the enemy
R3 is to change targets .
x + square = charge attack . Once you use it , you're boost gauge will be empty and you cannot boost or block for a while

Kill grunts and you'll fill up your "0 gauge" , when its full . You press 0 to activate some sort of special mode/thingy . In here you'll have to move the analog stick according to the arrows on the screen , doing so will allow you to rack up "chains" . For every 10 chains you get some of a different and of course more powerful attack . There are up to 5 different attack you can use .

The game is quite easy . The early grunts all die in 1-2 hits from your saber while the GN-X's in the later missions take 3-4 hits .
Missions basically consist of :
1) kill x amount of grunts
2) kill x amount of grunts , kill boss
3) kill x amount of grunts , stay alive till time limit is up (pathetically easy)
4) kill x amount of grunts , protect ptolemy (also stupidly easy) .
5) kill x amount of grunts within time limit ( also stupidly easy)

Bosses are more challenging than grunts but can also be killed fairly easily.
1) Go near boss , spam charge attack . Profit !
2) If you face 2 bosses , blast one to death . Then just spam charge attack on the second one.

PS : The lock-on system in this game annoys me like hell .
Does the game have cooperative for its mission,I would love to play mission mode with my friend.It there unlockable MS?
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