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Old 2009-05-08, 09:00   Link #37
Waiting for more taiyuki!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
You could place three 22 year old girls in the same position as her with the same responsibilities and pain, but depending on their individual character or attitudes, chances are that they'll react and deal with the situation given differently, if we're going to relate to how human she's being.
(Example: Guy you're dazzled by, brings up your favourite movie especially for you, but hasn't joined you for it. How about going to the projection room to make that that he's, gee I dunno? Not hurt?)
By her personality or as it was written by the creators, she doesn't, but rather just tells Mameshiba:
'He could have told me if he wanted to be alone.'
And writes a note.
-Another girl may have gone to the room to check on him in order to confront him angrily.
-Another girl may have gone to the room in order to check on him while feeling really concerned.
-Another girl may have just left without writing a note or texting him ever again.

Since we're only going to be given the one scenario according to Saki Morimi, at present, it's not enough for me to warm up to her, no matter what she's going through, she's too passive.
We're only five eps in at present, which is still less than half the series, so we'll see how we go and how she deals with things later on, but for now, no go with me.
Thus my 2 pence from the 'do not like Saki' corner of the boxing ring.
From the Saki sidelines...

Just call her Hachi (as in Nana Komatsu from NANA). That's prob what the female viewers are being reminded of.

She's going with the flow and her indecisiveness causes a lot of pain. She prob is still expecting Akira to save her. On top of being a Messiah, he's now Saki's "Prince".
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