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Old 2008-05-10, 13:46   Link #43
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What I am asking you to give me a reason why positive posts are better than negative ones.

From logical perspective all I can see that both are equal as both are giving opinion.

You say that it may stop the production? The better for us, maybe some better studio will pick it up eventually, so you cannot say that the outcome has to be negative. One think it is bad, the other think it is good, so how can you say that one is necessarily bad and the other is necessarily good?

The fact is that you cannot. How is opinion "the anime is good" objective? How is your opinion objective. It is not, as it is just your opinion, just as mine is mine.

All that I am saying that my opinion has just as much right as yours even if it is the most negative of negative ones. Yes it has no objective value, but neither does yours. If you are saying me to stop posting my opinion because it is not objective then stop posting yours as well as it is not objective too.

And if you are saying that my posts are worser because it may make the studio drop the project..Again how can you tell if it is better or worse? Maybe it will turn out like Kannon great comeback if some better studio picks it up that actually pays attention to the original source. It is an open question and you cannot make such one-sided comments as yours.

What we are doing here is sharing our opinions..Have you ever seen ones opinion objective? Ever seen love or hatred objective? It doesn't happen as it is based on emotions and what feeling it gives you. It is always OUR opinions and OUR feelings about the show they simply cannot be objective, so don't rise this question here again, as simply none of opinions are objective.

And thats too bad that you don't read novels. You know books are fun, you should try them sometimes instead of watching films or anime. Sure, it is not classic like Goethe or Hugo, but hey, one hour with a book even if its not the best is usually worth of ten hours with films (there are some great films though, but they happen to be made rarely).
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