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Old 2012-03-10, 23:11   Link #1
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History and Counterfactual speculations discussions

This thread is dedicated for those who like discussing about history and wondering about "what if" alternate historical scenarios departing from certain consequential points within history had it been bended to the course differing from where it went to in our RL history. Like, what if Napoleon Bonaparte had won the Battle of Waterloo, what if Central Powers had won WW1, that kind of thing...

Alternate history is a "game" that can serve a number of purposes. It can be to speculate what would have been simply to satisfy curiosity, or to visualize the world you would like to be in more comprehensively, or even to create a new perspective or "feel" one would not normally find in the real world, in observing history. It can also be utilized to create a setting for a story, and a number of series and novels have done this. The most prominent example from anime realm being "Code Geass". Needless to say, it is pretty much a portal that leads to the discussions about history itself, and that's why I lump both topics together in a single thread.

That's all for the dry, boring introductory opening Before we start however, there will be some rules that we need to abide to in order to keep this thread orderly and sense-friendly as possible, that are :

1) Try to be as comprehensive, logical and reality-grounded as you possibly can. That is, not only you should best avoiding downright ASB propositions, but you should also cling strongly to the natural rules of how things realistically work based on factors applying force onto a case in question. Like say, if Japan has managed to win at Midway, it won't lead to Japanese occupation of western US, since the disparity of production capability between two nations were already just too large. Or, whenever postulating about a scenario where US annexes all of Mexico, in 19th century, it won't going to lead US becoming hyperpower expansionist all-conquering, liberal non-racist empire, instead it will be tied to a whole mess of hostile resource black hole that will print a bitter chapter in US history. That's not mentioning even the probability of that happening in the first place, and I said all that with the knowledge of All Mexico Movement in mind. And, yes, it will require you to have insights and logics necessary before you dip yourself into a topic.

Basically, it's better to doubt the knowledges and perceptions you have rather then being dragged into flame wars and moron-fests. There is always someone out there who knows what you don't, and don't be shy to appeal for his/her help. It will be best if we can build an environment in which everyone can help each other in expanding their insights and thus, benefitting everyone.

2) Be civil and cool. If you happen to have something to inform the other with, don't patronize and insult the other party's unfortunate ignorance on the subject. If someone opposes to the points you've brought up, defend it with valid means and be ready to be proven wrong. If you are opposed to or doubting what the others have said, question them unconfrontationally. Just do your best to keep this thread cool and civilized !

3) Please, and again, please, leave your political allegiance at the door. Since we're going to struggle to have the most accurate pictures achievable, objectivity is dead necessary ! You may don't like whatever insensibilities that have been done in the name of religion as much as the next person, for example, or maybe you don't like the absence of free speech and suffrage in autocratic regimes as much as the next person. But really, those cases need much more then spontaneous moral and ideological outrage to be understood thoroughly. And to understand the intricacies of how history has shaped those things, the role of perspective of a meta observer is crucial.

And now I will kick-start this thread with a map that I've created and some stories about it. I'm planning it as the setting for my story. It's about a world of cultural multi-polarity :

Spoiler for Tentative name : The Dragon, The Star, and The Shadow of God:

That's all for now. This alternate universe is still in the developing phase, so I'm not married to most of the features mentioned above. Comments, questions, and criticisms will be much appreciated And of course, for everyone who's currently also engaging in building an alternate history universe like I do, I insist you guys to discuss your projects in this thread

Last edited by Ridwan; 2012-03-10 at 23:31.
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