Thread: Nanoha - Q&A
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Old 2017-11-20, 10:25   Link #4515
4th Dimension
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Originally Posted by Whedon the Snarker View Post
Well, that's what I mean by nepotism and cronyism. Almost all Hayate's supporters for Riot Force 6 are people closed to her. Then, the inspector that make sure she doesn't break any protocol is someone who look at her as his sister...which I believe to be a breach in protocol since his investigation would be biased.
Ummm, if you are gonna support someone do something new and potentially dangerous it's kind of natural that you would pick someone you know and trust from expirience. Dossies and such can only go so far. And this project was FAAAAAR from a cushy promotion. There was a HIGH chance it would snag something political and it would then crash and burn on the ground. Which is why she was picked, as someone who could be treated as a cuttof and fall guy.

Also are you referring to Acous? We never really see him investigating Hayate. He has no reason to do so, and as part of the HQ he was more interested what local GAS was doing.

Originally Posted by Whedon the Snarker View Post
The favoritism is on how younger mages can gain rank faster than older mages or non-mages if they've higher mage-rank than normal. Isn't that kind of thing could caused resentment?
Well this is like saying that it's favoritism to more quickly raise through ranks young fighter ace prodigies. And they aren't that young. Yes they are young physically, but by this point they have been fighting for almost a decade, and are widely considered by the rest of TSAB to be the HOT stuff, so I don't see it particularly unbelievable that they would hold their present ranks. And really the only one of them that is doing the rank climbing is Hayate. Fate is an Enforcers, and those don't go higher than that really since they are field operatives. Nanoha is a combat flight instructor. For her job, the rank is kinda irrelevant. And as for Hayate her climb is a combination of her skills (while she lacks the tactical judgement, she shows strategic forethought and excellent organizational capabilities, and has been an GAS investigator for almost a decade) and GAS itself wanting to push her up to show that they have strong mages too.
And I don't think the less capable mage people are barred from high offices. I mean Regius is a poster boy for that. He climed that
stairway solely on his ability.

Originally Posted by Whedon the Snarker View Post
Well, hopefully that won't backfired since if the TSAB spin it that way, they make Jail looks like someone who managed to caused massive damage to the TSAB with enough skill and resource. Two things that if someone is patient enough could get.

Hopefully it won't make someone to do another attack on the TSAB.
Nobody is saying TSAB space isn't facing any threats. There is a reason Navy and AAS have been siphoning mages away from GAS, because they do need them to fight bigger things in the Dimensional sea, rather than play cops on a supposedly completely secure world. And it is secure, considering that not even Cradle saved Jail from getting ROFL stomped once he finally showed his face and his hand.

And in reality this attack was only REALLY possible not because Jail is some Machiavellian orchestrator and such, but because he de-facto was part of TSAB and had access for decades to all kinds of shit. The events in StrikerS really were an internal thing.

Originally Posted by Whedon the Snarker View Post
So, basically, it's because MT is too lazy to be more creative?
Well we are talking about a person that when pressed to name the nation of the enemy Aces in A's (A's = Aces) went for Belka, that is the often antagonist nation from Ace Combat series.

Then again IMO he was cribbing stuff from the corect sources to about StrikerS, when it kinda started to crack a bit, and fell apart in Vivid and kinda in Force.

Originally Posted by Whedon the Snarker View Post
1) Has it ever stated whether or not Thoma Avenir is actually a psychopath? That could explain how Thoma could be surprisingly friendly to the Huckebein; he doesn't have any sympathy to the victims and merely pretend that to fit the society around him.
He is a fucking teenager. As such he just doesn't think and has the memory of a goldfish.

Originally Posted by Whedon the Snarker View Post
2) Does Adult Mode used by Vivio and Einhart caused some...hormonal imbalance?
Nope. Then again considering that young people tend to have it together (who aren't Thoma) in Nanoha, I don't think that's going to be an issue anyway. And it could be argued that the mode just makes her bigger, and doesn't actually age her with all of the chemistry bits.

Originally Posted by Whedon the Snarker View Post
3) How come the TSAB child soldiers are more mentally stable than Earth child soldiers?
Because Nanoha apparently works on 5+ rule. Add 5 years to EVERYONE's years to come up with their actual age. And they are supposedly kept an eye on. They aren't just let loose on their own unless the shit has hit the fan and it's do or die. The idea is probably to introduce them to responsibilities and practical examples why they need to be conscientious of their own power. Because this is a world where a preteen can summon a city ending kaiju when she is in emotional distress.

Originally Posted by Whedon the Snarker View Post
4) Because the Numbers destroyed the Einherjar cannons when the Saint's Cradle starts to fly, does that mean those cannons could damage the ship? If so, why Hayate doesn't use her strongest spell against the ship?
Presumably. That was allways my assumption. Those were the anti ship batteries and the last ditch defence if the Cradle bit went bad. But that doesn't fit entirely the narrative because from what was being said one might assume E was a solution of other types of threats too. Chalk it up to faulty translations and such or MT hackiness.
As for Hayate not using strong spells, well she is strong but she is still not fleet of battleships strong. Also there was an innocent on board and it isn't in the TSAB MO to shoot vessels containing victims and ask questions later. And her Unison Device was not with her, but with Signum, and she had her hands filled commanding a cordoning of the Cradle so no drone escapes it. She was relying on her strike team to disable the ship and evacuate everyone.
Then again I never got why they didn't try to take out the engines or turets and such to make the life easier on them. Blame MT I guess.

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