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Old 2013-01-02, 20:14   Link #1770
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Guns can kill at pointblank, and can rapid-fire faster than a sword can swing more than once. Therefore, Blue avatars must be stronger and faster and tougher than Red avatars, to make up for the disadvantage of having weapons restricted to short range.

Purple is the middle-point between these two. Their attacks don't reach as far as those of Reds, and their bodies are not as powerful as Blues. But they can attack much further than Blues, and their bodies must be better than those of Reds.

Purple Thorn may be a lightweight built more for speed and agility than power and toughness, but if so she must be more agile than non-Blue avatars. Thus, she must be able to run faster and leap farther than Black Lotus, which will help her keep precious distance from Lotus' blades, while letting her use lightning freely.

(Likewise, Green avatars must be at least half as physically powerful as Blues, because of their mutual close-range restriction. While not as fast or strong as Blues, they make up the difference with tricks like Green Grandee's Double Payback, or Lime Bell's Citron Call.)
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