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Old 2012-07-19, 13:46   Link #9
Join Date: Dec 2008
I mentioned Carbon Arrow in the Light Novel thread. The person did seem similar to a certain "archer" in comics. Basically, he started out as a douche and after his "experience" became a changed person. Also a few months ago, I make a fanfic character named Fix. He grew up interested in the brain's "full potential". He hates his father because he abducted him out of school out of the blue and "erased" his existence that he was there. He got back at him by "giving him up" to the government. His father is a renowned computer hacker named SPYDER who hates the government and always messes with them. He used my father to get a clean slate and start new life. He graduated from Harvard and became interested in "accelerating the mind". He had an BIC implanted in him before working for the Technical Committee of Acceleration. He secretly created an AI to help with his "work" (probably his only friend). He found out what was the purpose of Brain Burst and what the Committee is going to do with it. He steals a copy of it (before the 100) and took his AI with him. He faked his own death with the help of the government. He told the government that the Committee may have eyes and hears in their vicinity, so communication done between them must be done carefully. Fix knew Haruyuki's dad in school and was the one that gave him the courage to stand up for himself. During the years after his "death", he researched the BB program and gave moidificates to his AI (turning him into a AI Duel Avatar named Ghost). Fix has a personal vendetta against Black Vise. He will to do anything within the lines to "bring down" him. Further explaining about him is making me tired.
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