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Old 2012-12-20, 23:04   Link #44
Hiding Under Your Bed
Join Date: May 2008
Ah, just when I was starting to respect Akane for her slow build-up towards challenging the status quo of this warped society she's blindly accepted prior to being on the front edge as a Protector, she turns out to be a weak shell of a human after-all.

I realize this death will be a catalyst, and when we're done with this series, this event will likely be looked back as what started Akane for real on the path to whatever she ends up being at the very end, but still...Akane, you are a pitiful human being at this particular moment.

May you grow into something less pathetic in the next 12 episodes.

Edit: I find arguments that using a real firearm is too much to expect from her to be hilarious, and seemingly missing the entire point of that speech and event. The damn dominator boils people into blood splatters. Silver-hair is right. People like Akane have given up any sense of self-determination by transferring personal responsibility to a machine. Here, in this moment, where she was given a chance to make a decision entirely on her own, with her friend's life on the line, she balked. I would be more forgiving if we were talking about making the choice between decaf or caffeinated, but this? If I was Silver-hair, I'd be disgusted and disappointed in Akane as well.
It feels like years since they've been updated, btw.
Also, cake.
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