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Old 2013-02-12, 17:01   Link #26410
Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan View Post
Finding an agreement between the US and China isn't impossible considering it has been done before for Yugoslavia between the US and Russia (which had ties with Milosevic) during the Kosovo War.
NK is a buffer state that borders China itself, Yugoslavia on the other hand served no such purpose for Russia. You'd have about as good a chance of convincing China to concede NK to the US sphere of influence as you would convincing Russia to give up the Caucasus.

May want to ask the Iraqis how things went from the moment Desert Storm kicked in (despite all the WMDs they still had at the time - 1991), or ask the Egyptians how it went in 1967 despite their superior numbers & Soviet-made hardware advantage over the IDF (which was outnumbered by 5 to 1). In the case of Iraq, they could be as devoted or brainwashed as they were, but it didn't stop them from abandoning their posts from the moment the strikes were well coordinated combined to other deprivations.
First things first - SK is no US, not even remotely close. Replace the Coalition forces with the SK military in the Gulf War, and there would be a very different flag flying in Kuwait today. Second, if Iraq is what you'd consider to be a success story, well, you shouldn't - that place really hasn't held up very well, and I'm speaking from personal experience here.

Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan View Post
Man! Dorner is a hell lot tougher to corner than anything I'd ever expect.
Well, obviously he's had a lot of time to plan, and he certainly looks like (unfortunately) he was an officer that knew his stuff.

Seriously, you can me an idealist if you want, but there's no way this regime should be allowed to breathe and go unpunished with the consistent blackmailing.
I'm no fan of the NK regime, but IMO you do have a rather idealistic outlook on military operations and their repercussions. There is a reason why war should be the last resort, not something you jump to just because you're pissed off at the other side.

Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan View Post
Man! Dorner is a hell lot tougher to corner than anything I'd ever expect.
Well, he's probably had a lot of time to plan this whole thing out, and it looks like (unfortunately) that he was an officer that knew his stuff.
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