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Old 2012-03-13, 00:41   Link #70
Unknown Soldier
Join Date: May 2009
The amount of Mei zettai ryouiki fanservice in this episode was breathtaking. Literally every other shot while she was talking this episode focused on her upper legs area. Shaft would be proud.

I approve.

Originally Posted by warita View Post
Misaki is a weirdo. So she knows who it is and doesnt bother to say a thing??? Especially after listening to the tape?
She did say something, but only to Kouichi. That's why she wanted to meet Kouichi alone in her room. She doesn't trust the others to not immediately haul off with the nearest sharp object they can find and stab the Another to death the moment they found out who it is. Judging from what happened at the end of the episode, Stupid Jock already has started hunting for the Another, only to realize after it's too late that he killed the wrong person.

Whats the big deal with killing the dead student, if he/she actually is dead anyways?
The dead person doesn't know they are dead. So you would effectively be murdering another innocent person in cold blood, because even though technically they are already dead, they believe they are alive!
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