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Old 2013-08-19, 05:03   Link #61
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
Yes, but I think the question is, was she created before or after 11 years ago?
Originally Posted by nikohowell View Post
thank you for clarifying my question since just like Mayoi and Araragi, they all "died" and "revived"

11 years ago, is Yotsuki a human, dead or now a familiar? she might not be even born at this time yet
I don't want to go into detail beyond what we are suppose to know, I received enough warnings as it is.

But here are the facts; Yotsuki is both a Shikigami...

And a Tsukumogami

Now, Shikigami is easy to understand. You use magic to create a magical servant from inanimate objects.

But her also being a Tsukumogami is actually slightly... horrifying.

See, Tsukumogami are suppose to be regular, household objects that gained sentience after 100 years of human use. (Think of it like it gaining a soul after being loved and cared for over a century.)

But Yotsugi has a problem; she isn't based on something normal like an umbrella or a music instrument, she is based on a CORPSE.

A corpse, that was owned as a tool, for a century.

What kind of messed up uses can one have with the preserved corpse of a girl? And for her to be "used" for 100 years continuously?

Regardless, Yozuru only created her in recent times, and Yozuru herself is a normal aged human mortal. So whatever reason Yotsugi was used as a tool for a century, Yozuru is not responsible for it.

As for what Yotsugi is doing 11 years ago? She would either be already a Familiar, or she is still a corpse.
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