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Old 2003-11-30, 23:51   Link #59
Steam Counter-Spoon 1.6
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Away from the dreaded spoon
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Tzurial
Dont you think youre trivializing Sasuke's revenge? Poor bastard went through a lot, he's gonna be more than a little screwed up emotionally and his personality obviously suffers from it. I dont think his revenge is for 'revenge sake'. No one in his situation would ask "hmm..What kind of satisfaction will revenge bring me in the long run?" Revenge is about instant gratification!! To fill that insatiable void with some sort of consummation!!

I say 'Go Sasuke'!! Be an obsessive asshole if thats what it takes!
Can't say i agree with you. It's true that he seek revenge and he's ready for everything in order to do it but he doesn't have to be a complete asshole. I mean would you see Naruto acting the same way as Sasuke just to be the Hokage? I know it's not the same thing but i do believe that Sasuke doesn't need to be a jerk in order to achieve his goal.
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