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Old 2013-02-10, 22:19   Link #105
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Guilty until proven innocent.

Why is Taker colored Purple when his only power is Yellowish? Why was it even called Taker if it was built around something other than stealing? Incarnate Skills must fit the nature of the avatar because they both arise from the same wounds of the heart, and the unnamed "purple wave surge" sucked up and obliterated things with an endless, hateful hunger.

Given those wounds of the heart existed BEFORE installing Brain Burst, why would he become such a sweet kid after forgetting Brain Burst? None of his original issues were solved.

I can at least pretend that he's faking the sweetness, and he's actually the same wounded soul he was before Brain Burst, but it might really be something as inexplicably convenient as pixie dust on the brain.

So many authors don't respect the consistency of their own rules, so why ought I believe different in this case? Therefore, why should I believe there's any good reason for Dusk Taker breaking the rules of having equal potential?

Likewise, why ought I believe that there's a good reason why Aviation didn't appear on Silver Crow's screen?

But I'm tired and need to get up early tomorrow after a much-too-short weekend, so I'm feeling kind of bitter.
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