Thread: Licensed Legend of Galactic Heroes
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Old 2003-11-07, 00:06   Link #13
Certifiably insane
Join Date: Nov 2003
Here's one humble fan paying respects to the best and greatest anime series ever.

From the timeles theme of war and peace to the huge cast, the grandiose battles, the politics, the detailed characterization, the sense of history being molded by the individuals, and the sense of history repeating itself; the solid dialog, the sheer genius of the most gifted characters; the vast, vaaaast, vaaaaaaaaast scenarios; the interesting and often sharp ideas about government, democracy, loyalty, courage, pacifism, nation-building and character-building; the all-Classical soundtrack, to the thrill of knowing that war makes no exceptions and favorite characters may die any moment, even in the most ignoble way; I have never enjoyed a story so much.

The first movie, with thousands and thousands of ships engaged in gracile and lethal combat at the rythm of Bolero, is my most unforgettable anime memory.

One is also hoping that somebody picks the novels. I read a couple of chapters available a long ago, and the anime is very faithful. I think they would be a hit with science fiction fans.
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