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Old 2012-08-18, 16:44   Link #48
Six Shooter
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: USA
Age: 43
So in this episode Kirito becomes even more of a Marty Stu this episode and SAO lurches towards becoming a full-on otaku wish-fulfillment anime.

Liz decides to wander off alone with the poor-looking asshole who broke her best sword and then didn't offer to pay for it, when she still has no idea who he is or if he has any money, because um ... plot! Oh, and dragons are nocturnal, except when they attack you in broad daylight when you first show up, because, um ... plot! Oh, and to locate Liz, Kirito decides not to use his tracking ability, decides not to ask Asuna, who is friends with Liz and can tell him where she is, but rather decides to stand on a bell tower from which it is physically impossible for him to see her, because umm ... I don't even know about this one!

Most laughably, remember in the first episode where 90% of the cute girls turned into dudes? Because SAO sure as hell doesn't.
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