Thread: Yggdra Union
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Old 2007-10-24, 22:32   Link #36
Sleep beneath the flowers
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Lording above all of humanity >;3
Age: 34
Well, she's actually pretty tough... But the first time you fight her (And if you fight her the second time after that, missing Cruz) you can beat her easily during Noon. But if you let her hit MAX... She'll probably whoop you, and her card is REALLY strong.

And of course, if you don't have Rosary, you can't use Doll Craft. Also, Flame can't be used to do Overkill damage (unless you use Durant and equip him with the Stray Dragon, but this is only temp.). You can still inflict Overkill damage using Elena for Darkness.

Snipe Glass yeah, if you have Rosary you can get Dragon Killer or Snipe Glass. I haven't bothered to get the Glass, as getting Dragon Slay bonus seems way too important. And indeed you can beat him up, but it's tricker as he'll "Withdraw" from the field unless you can hit his Morale to 0 in a Union quick enough. So it's easier to simply Steal.
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