Thread: Crunchyroll Hunter X Hunter Anime (2011)
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Old 2012-12-09, 11:20   Link #2182
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2012
My weekly comparison is on hold till Tuesday due to college work. But here's my opinion on the episode and the whole arc.

I really liked today's episode. Paku's death scene with Romi Paku's performance was superb. Hisoka's funny moment was also one of a kind. But what got my attention was Phinks' character and how Madhouse was able to turn such a cruel character to be so sad, and Kenichiro Ohashi's performance made it really incredible and touching. But the episode's main problem was cutting down the scenes at the beginning didn't make it end as an epilogue for Yorknew arc and we got some Greed Island material already which in my opinion would've been better if left for the next episode.


Full rating for this arc's episodes:

37: 7.5
38: 7
39: 8
40: 7.5
41: 8.5
42: 7.5
43: 9.5
44: 9.5
45: 9
46: 7.5
47: 9.5
48: 6.5
49: 9
50: 8.5
51: 9
52: 9.5
53: 8
54: 7.5
55: 8
56: 9
57: 8
58: 8

Final rating for the arc: 8.27 out of 10.

Best episodes: 43, 44, 47, 52
Worst episodes: 38, 48

Overall, it was a great arc. But cutting down a lot of the manga material and the unnecessary changes were the biggest issue it had.
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