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Old 2013-03-18, 05:08   Link #77
Deploying Funnel Cakes
Join Date: Jan 2008
Shogo is more of a Rhas Al Ghul from Batman Begins. He's sort of like Moriarty, too. He's doesn't relish in killing himself. I believe he's only killed one person on screen and it was a quick execution.

He does play with human monsters but he does this as some sort of research and seems to be disgusted and intrigued by the serial killers he facilitated crimes for.

He's not really an anarchist, either. He hints that he wouldn't mind a more conventional government and social system.

He's a social observer, critic, and self appointed judge and executioner of the society... all of it. He doesn't like society or the Sybil system that runs it... so he wants to break it all. He sort of says he's punishing and freeing mankind at the same kind.

He's an anti-nihilist. He wants people to go back... making moral decisions for themselves, producing art, killing each other, being superstitious, etc.
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