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Old 2011-06-09, 21:06   Link #18
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Hayate no Gotoku... original??? It's pretty mainstream, plus it's Ranma 1/2 with Ojous instead of martial arts... not that Hayate isn't good, I enjoyed it and think it's well done, but I wouldn't call it original or non-mainstream.

Elfin Lied... mainstream??? That's just crazy. (And I didn't care for Elfin Lied, but it's hardly mainstream. Unless murdering cuties is considered mainstream and someone forgot to tell me.)

Also... if you don't like dubs... just turn off the dub and watch it subbed. The fact that a show is dubbed doesn't mean you have to watch it dubbed. For example, I can't stand the Ranma dub, so I watch it subbed. All dubbed DVDs nowadays still have the Japanese soundtrack with subs available on the DVD.

I mean, I tend to prefer the subs myself, but I've never thought to refuse to watch something subbed just because someone dubbed it.

Not sure I understand your criteria, but I'll do my best to give some emotion arousing anime:

Cross Game - first episode definitely pulls at the heart strings. No dub.

Honey and Clover - very emotionally powerful, I think rather unique. Don't know about dub availability, but I watched it subbed and that was the first thing I found, so I'm guess the sub is more common.

Chrono Crusade, most agree the ending is heart breaking. I watched the sub, the dub draws mixed reviews. It's pretty decent, but they decided to use actual 1920's American slang (since it is set in 1920 America) so some people don't like it. I think because of this the sub is usually readily available.

Madoka Magica Talk about a gut punch. Emotionally shocking rollercoaster from episode 3 on. Very unique. No dub yet, although I expect there will be.

Ano Hana The new Clannad/Cross Game, currently airing so no dub.

Katanagatari has a few emotionally shocking episodes. Episode 4 was bone chilling. Some people found the first 3 episodes boring (heavy on the dialog). No dub as of yet

Shiki was a very good horror show from last year. Certainly made you feel scared for characters. Anyone could die.

Chrome Shelled Regios I found it emotionally appealing, although I can't rank it as better then mediocre to decent. No dub, but some very funny Engrish. (They actually got the grammar right, just the pronunciation is terrible.)

Neon Genesis Evangelion The mainstream recommendation of emotionally arousing. And it is. There is a reason it is so heavily recommended. I prefer the sub, although most people think the dub is rather good. I don't hate the dub myself, I just tend to prefer the sub.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Another "mainstream" anime, but I really think you ought to consider it, even if you have seen the first FMA anime. This version follows the manga and starts off slower, but finishes much stronger. Dub and sub are equal in my opinion, though I watched it first in subs.

Cross Game - A Story of Love, Life, Death - and Baseball. What more could you want?
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