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Old 2004-06-29, 01:29   Link #31
The Info-less
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Orange County, CA
Age: 38
Well, here's the upadte you've been waiting for... I sent G-Collections an e-mail, and here's their response:

Thank you for your e-mail. After reviewing the game thoroughly, we have decided to indefinitely postpone the plan to tranlate KGNE. One of the major issues is the difficulty in working with Age, another issue is the unusual length of the game. However, these two issues do not rule out the possibility of the game being translated in the future when we have sufficient human resource and time for the project.

Thank you very much for your support and have a wonderful day!


Well, it seems we can't really convince G-Collections at this time. And PLEASE don't send them hate mail because they won't translate it; they are a business after all and reserve the right to pick their own projects, and besides, they have doneus all a favor by bringing the bishoujo industry to America. But those are apparently the two big reasons behind the lack of interest in translating the game, for those of you like me who are wondering.

Since that lead is a dead end for now, does anybody else have a potential translator they can suggest? Please post the name of the LEGITIMATE translator, and I'll see if I can open up some negotiations with them. (I say legitimate because I think we'll be better off trying to find non-fansub groups that have the will and funds to carry it out.) Please post especially if you know one that works with Age (producers of KGNE).

But so far I've tried these groups with either a negative of non-response...
(x) G-Collections
(x) Peach Princess

A setback, yes. But this is NOT the time to give up. Keep trying, and we'll succeed. Keep those posts comin!
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