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Old 2010-01-19, 03:34   Link #1603
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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................... Lot of question needs lots of answers.

Mana = isn't it the energy that channeled through the world. Like the mana that trees give or the air or everything that has life. More like a life force. A power that comes from natural resources. But this mana isn't from the caster its like borrowing power from other living creature. But I'm not sure if its only living creature can release mana.

Its a bit different from spirit or ki. Its the power channel from with in your own.

Saints can spam spells maybe just maybe because if they are using the telesma then it shouldn't be a problem or resources. Unlike mana where a dead environment can't provide you aid. If your source of power is divine then it should also be infinite for if we use the term divine it should also refer to GOD who is infinite. Though I'm just using my own view on things here. And if telesma as what other people say the power borrowed from divine then it should be massive and pure. Unlike the other power resources that may had impurity in it. And from what I learn in other stories a higher purity leads stronger power. And normally if its stronger it shouldn't be stable or controllable hence they use instruments or symbols to channel those massive energy. But being a saint that has a favor from god. They can use it at ease. And if you can use that massive energy then it should be a waste on not using it just like a saint being talented using the power of magic given that they can use it.

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Anyway, so far what we have confirmed about his awakening, is that A) He can update his Redirection to include new factors, and B) In Black Wings mode, He can control Vectors that supposedly don't exist. C) Also In Black Wings mode, he taps into the AIM field and expand his computation skills. D) Index said his Wings have the same power as that of Saints.
And as for this one. Maybe you can add up that even if he couldn't use his power any more. Even if batteries out or even out of range. While in this form. Nothing matters. He CAN STILL BE THE STRONGEST ESPER IN ACADEMY CITY FOR ALL HE CARES .

It happens in vol 13. Where he can't use his powers anymore when it first activated.

As for the awakening.... its pretty confusing and too little clue to assume that its the stronger grasp of one owns reality wins.

And to put it simple on the terms of kakine's power. Theirs an example already on a killing sun ray. Well normally a sun ray shouldn't melt or burn cement and turn everything to dust. But in contact with kakine's wings it turns that way. And also I'm not sure on this but from what shmaster said that kakina has 3 pair of wings already when his fighting accelerator and isn't that mean that his already awaken? but when accelerator awaken his black wings himself. kakine finally realize the real deal about their powers and his tiny wings grew 30 meters but still accelerator is awaken........ and when that psycho is awaken its good as dead. His mince meat. I think a butcher has a better taste on slicing meat than accelerator pounding his enemies well you can't feel too much pain with your been dead in single stroke unlike that psycho which tears his opponents into pieces.

Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
You know what, this might work. Have Vent cought into a large AOE attack by accident. But the person who'll trick the esper/magician to launch the attack might be hit by the Divine Punishement first, as they directly schemed agsint Vent.

As for Accelerator's manipulation of AIM. No, he did not take over Kakine's Dark Matter as in taking over AIM. Rather, he included the entirety of Dark Matter into his vector calculation and took over the control. (which is pretty insane I might add, as Dark Matter is already jamming the laws of reality by itself, and Accelerator is actually able to calculate all the laws that has been rewritten and take control).

No, wait. Using hitman might work if they can have the mentality that is the same as Kihara. Kihara only has rthe desire to kill, but he has no target for it. He is there destroying things universally, even if Vent is going to get hit, the spell won't activate because Kihara is indifferent on what he destroy. In other words, Vent is not a target in this case, she is just the same as everything else Kihara feel likes to destroy.
So if the hitman hired did not consider Vent as the target but only think her as some random thing in the path of his goal (could be money, or the pride of his job), he can get her. But you have to be extremly inhuman to have that psychology to think everything is indifferent outside your goal. Hint, the key word is indifferent.

So, basically, Vent has to be the target of the concern in the attacker's mind in order for her spell to work.......
Wait, if we expand on this, perhaps someone who has the "mercy kill" psychology might be able to get her. Because even people like that attack her, they aren't attacking her because they antagonize her.

As for Saints using Telesma.... no, they can't spam spell for free. Having Telesma in them, their power is much higher in quality, but that also burdens them, as they are still human. They'll die if they use their power too much, so they always have a limit. The exception is everyone's favroite superman Aqua, the miracle of the Mary removes such limitation.

In other words, Saints themselves are primary producer of magic power as they have Telesma themsleves. Normal mages are secondary, as they have to borrow their powers from other beings (evoking other gods, using symbolic weapons or idol theory, or refine their powers from other sources like their own life force).
EDIT: while I'm replying theirs another reply and I haven't read this one so its edit:

Maybe just using bombs can kill her.

Bombs had wide area of effect and usually a bomber doesn't care on who gets hit as long as the place is destroyed.

And even if the one who hired the bomber had been hit by the spell if vent is dead it should be canceled out.

And if a person like kihara is needed. We got accelerator. His a psycho that just loves to kill "BUT WAIT THEIRS MORE" that's before when he doesn't met yet LO. His killing anyone who attacks him ( just like divine punishment but worse a psycho punishment ) Which puts me into thinking that the spell of divine punishment has a similarities on accelerator in a way of his auto reflect.

As for saint. Isn't kaori can't fully utilize her powers of being saint because its too much for her? unlike superman. Where's my kryptonite?

I read it here before and now had a confirmation from the previews post on the burden a saint gets from over using their power but theirs an exception being a double saint that can utilize 100% saint power and being ubber hax on his strength one and only superman which has his own justice with him ( just like superman ) will punish anyone who threatens peace ( just like superman) and to add it up love by girls ( just like superman ) Hey where's batman?

Last edited by tsunade666; 2010-01-19 at 03:45.
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