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Old 2008-05-19, 18:20   Link #19
Catholic = Cat addiction?
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: MURICA!!
Seeing how there is surprisingly little from the original Macross, I shall refresh your memories!

Several of my favorite scenes involve the Zents' first encounter with humans.


Scene: Exsedol is touring Macross city for the first time, escorted by UN SPACY soldiers. The vehicle then quickly passes by a lingerie shop...

Exsedol: *GASP* What is that provocative see-through garment!?

Escort: Uhh, uhh... I mean, uh...

Exsedol: I see, must be a classified military top secret!


Something you really don't want to see twice:

The scene where Exsedol tried to imitate Minmei singing "Shoo, shoo, my boyfriend is a pilot".


The three Zent stooges! Warera, Roli, and Konda. Their first time witnessing human televised programming involved a swimsuit contest, in which one of them (I forgot who) commented: "wow, I've never been so aroused before". In other words, for those who can't read between the lines, he just had a firggin' boner.

Oh, and if you combine their first names, it translates to "we are lolicon".

In fact, they were accused of being lolicons by none other than the bridge bunnies!


The three Zent stooges and their search for food, where they thought they found some, but it turned out to be plastic displays. The owner thought they were homeless and invited them in.


The Max and Hikaru exchange (excuse the paraphrase)

Max: Senpai, I have something important to talk to you about.

Hikaru: Yeah, whats up?

Max: I am getting married.

Hikaru: *Coughs violently, barfing drink in the process* WTF!? Look Max, love is like glass, it can easily be shattered!

Max: Senpai, are you speaking from personal experience!?


Lastly, all hail Milia for being the victim of the lamest, and I mean, lamest pick-up attempt ever in anime. The process of Max n' Milia falling in love and eventually marry lasted for, gee, several hours. It was THAT quick. No wonder my favorite character in Macross is Max, because he picked-up the BEST booty ever, in Macross!! Milia, quality assurance guaranteed!

- Tak
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