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Old 2013-01-26, 17:47   Link #3584
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
Euro qualifiers stream had no issues at all. Whatever happened at Katowice was really more of a Polish bandwith issue, most likely.

Fnatic got through quite easily today along with Copenhagen Wolves (really pleased they made it, they gave former a real run for their money at Dreamhack), Against All Authority and Giants.

Taric + Urgot bot lane is really coming into favour now. Its CC and greater survivability is causing more issues than opponents expect. It's also capable of fast pushing.

Apparently Vi is a capable champ - as long as your team has a clue and you build her a certain way. XJ9, a jungler on NA, has made it to nearly 2600 elo aka the top 2-3, if not #1 (update those damn tables ffs, not even the streamers/people at the top know where they are). His three regular junglers are Zed, Hecarim and Vi (also does a good Kha'Zix), although presently he plays close to 100% Vi. His recommendations for Vi are:

Core items: Spirit of the Elder Lizard (this may sound insane, but when you watch him for long enough then try it yourself, you find this is WAY better than Bloodthirster), Black Cleaver, Warmog's. Order of the final 3 depend on your opponents - Maw of Maltorius, Randiun's Omen, Last Whisper.

Masteries: 21 Offense, 9 Defense. (He recommends putting 2 offense points into jungle damage, only 1 into attack speed and avoiding the crit masteries since you won't be getting any crit items).

Runes: 3 x arm pen marks, 6 x attack speed marks, 9 x flat armor seals, 9 x per level MR glyphs, 3 x attack damage quints (you could differ on the quints, maybe all arm pen for marks but the rest makes a lot of sense and Vi is a bit lacking for attack speed early).

His overall advice for Vi is to avoid being completely sucked in by the current trend of super-stacking health on top/jungle melee champs. At some point, Vi does need to bulk up for teamfight survival and the passive, but you do need damage and you need to consider yourself somewhat of an assassin as well as a tank.

I'd recommend watching XJ9's stream if you want a jungler to get ideas/help from. He doesn't always give advice but when he does, he is super-detailed. The one downside to him is he can rant about weird things at times and has a super-annoying laugh. But the positives well outweigh those negatives.

Only thing I'd like to hear from him is when he recommends not to use Vi, because he first picks it a lot of the time. One thing I am certain of is Alistair is able to knockback Vi during her moves, so a good Alistair will render Vi useless. Figuring Yorick, Jax, Lee Sin and Pantheon would also negate her.

Last edited by Last Sinner; 2013-01-26 at 17:59.
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