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Old 2012-12-29, 07:41   Link #220
Join Date: Aug 2004
Age: 37
Originally Posted by SkullFaerie View Post
I'm still confused as to the purpose of Suguha and I still think it all turned unbearably cheesy rom-com style.
Not sure why the real life confrontation with Sugou was necessary, other than to make the guy look even more annoying and to artficially amp up the drama one last time.
Nice to see everyone again though
The final confrontation in real life was necessary to prove the "real strength" theme of the arc (and/or the series). Their VR duel didn't count because Kirito had to cheat, and moreover it was still VR. The real life duel involving real life danger is to show that the lessons Kirito learned in game about courage and mercy and all that still apply in real life. That he's grown as a person and wasn't just wasting his time in SAO. The entire point of the entire series was to show that life in VR can be just as real as real life, and that what you do there can matter just as much. Stats and equipment are just numbers, but the player can still gain "real strength" and "real bonds" from it.

From my perspective, that scene was actually the only scene that mattered in the entire ALO arc, although to a certain extent the rest were necessary to set it up.

Overall, .hack// is by far the better show of its kind, as this devolved too far into slice of life/harem/romance territory for me to enjoy, but it had it's good parts- particularly the first couple of episodes. A mixed bag, really with lots of wasted potential. If there is a sequel, I hope it could manage to return to how fun the first part of the SAO arc was to watch.
I gotta be honest: I thought .hack was a terrible show of its kind. I have to wonder if the writers had ever even looked at an MMO. It certainly succeeds in telling its own story, but as a story about gamers or games it fails on all levels.
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