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Old 2011-04-26, 15:13   Link #3855
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Originally Posted by SkyFlames View Post
There is a believe, that the happy endings doesn't gain fame, and the tragedies (such as R&J, Antonio and Cleopatra, etc) are the ones that are remembered as "master pieces", take as example School Days, the anime was (and don't dennie this) just a guy and two girls, but it is remembered for its sick ending.
You just proved a good point SkyFlames. You remembered School Days (just like I do) but the first word to pop up in your head was "sick". True the ending was pretty gruesome and unnecessary and of COARSE I remembered it over all the other side titles I've seen, but I still thought it was a bad story. A story's outline transforms with each scene and usually will have a natural direction to take. sometimes the author will fuck that direction up, but almost every story was finished when it was created. (hard to understand)

So honestly, the stories that I encounter, I enjoy because their amazing stories, and amazing could be interpreted in many different ways. But I don't like them JUST for their endings or JUST for their production staff. So if Takahashi wants to make a crazy ending where....

Alastor: I love you Yuji.
Yuji: I love you too.

Then he can go right ahead, but judging from his work and personal experience I know he's a smart guy and I know the story will end well.

And also, R+J was a good story for many reasons, not just for the ending. Also I've seen some great stories that have ended happily.
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