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Old 2013-04-03, 11:59   Link #238
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Brazil
Basing my hopes on Wikipedia (I'll regret this):

Light Novels
Original run June 6, 2003 – ongoing

Original run November 2005 – ongoing

Those 2 facts, alone, are enough to hope for a new animation.
Be it in 2013, '14, '15.. As long as Tanigawa is still writing the series and there's still manga adaption, there is material for anime adaption. KyoAni just seems to be focusing on some different shows for now.

Hell, they'll be damned if no more anime adaption comes out. There's SO much story to cover. The novels sell well, the merchandise sells well.. If it sells, why not making an adaption? I read somewhere that Kadokawa has interest in adapting more to anime. Just seems KyoAni doesn't want to.

Who knows, we either see Haruhi in anime form in the next few years by KyoAni, or another studio comes up and snatches the gold.
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